Finding Short-Term Care Services in Assisted Living Facilities Near You

Are you looking for the best nursing homes in Cameron, North Carolina? If so, you should consider the many senior care options available at A Place for Mom. Short-term care for older people is often provided in assisted living and memory care facilities, where residents can stay in a safe and supportive environment for a temporary period of time. Assisted living centers must provide 24-hour staff to meet the needs of their residents. If you're ready to move to assisted living or are looking for alternatives, contact the following agencies for help.

Prices vary depending on the local cost of living and other factors, so it's important to do your research before making a decision. In addition, North Carolina offers special assistance between the state and the county to help elderly, blind, or disabled people who need help paying the cost of room and board offered by an assisted living center or adult care home. North Carolina requires adult care homes, also called assisted living centers, to evaluate new residents within 72 hours after they enter. Assisted living facilities are considered a “residential environment” and not a “clinical setting” (think nursing homes).

Assisted living facilities in North Carolina must meet the licensing requirements required by the Adult Care Licensing Section of the Division of Health Services Regulation. Veterans may be eligible for benefits that cover short-term temporary care in an assisted living facility or nursing home, as well as some of the following services. Assisted living facilities are prohibited from admitting residents who require specialized nursing or full-time medical monitoring. The benefit is intended for veterans who need long-term care services and can be used to pay for assisted living.

The long-term care advocate is available to help residents who have questions about assisted living or who need help selecting a center that meets their needs.