How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in California?

Cost of assisted living in California can vary greatly depending on the type and level of care needed, the size and floor plan of the resident's apartment, the age of the building, the amenities of the place, and the cost of living in the area. The California Registry is a free public service authorized by the California State Department of Health that provides assisted living resources to older people in the area. The assisted living exemption (ALW) uses Medi-Cal funds to pay people who need care at the nursing home level to stay in residential care facilities. The department supports current and potential assisted living residents through 13 regional offices across the state.

The average cost of assisted living in California has increased by 5% over the past few years. It also has a variety of long-term care options for those who need help with daily activities, including more than 7,400 assisted living facilities. Similarly, the average costs of assisted living by state tend to be lower in the Heart, Midwest, and South. It provides financial assistance to elderly or disabled people to help them continue living in their homes.

The least expensive assisted living is found in the interior, in cities such as Bakersfield, Madera, Merced, Stockton and Riverside. The median cost helps to paint a more realistic picture of what a person can expect to spend, since the average costs of assisted living are easily biased with extremely high or low figures. The average stay in an assisted living community is 22 months, according to the American Health Care Association. However, to have services covered, participants must live in an assisted living facility that accepts Medi-Cal reimbursements.

While it's open to residents across the state, there are a limited number of assisted living centers that accept payments from this program. See the table below for an overview of some of the most common ways to make assisted living affordable.